Chicken Growth Simulator

Produced By:

Poultry Hub Australia (PHA)


Qld, NSW, SA, NT, ACT, Tas, WA

Aimed at:

Grade 10

- 12

Curriculum 8.4

Curriculum 9.0:

Lesson Type:



chicken, poultry, poultryhub, growth, protein, temperature, daylight, crude protein, variables, ACMF, broiler, lighting, broilers

Chicken Growth Simulator

The Chicken Growth Simulator is a unique and interactive tool created by The Poultry Hub that offers an exciting opportunity for Year 10 to 12 students to learn about the science behind raising healthy broiler chickens. This innovative teacher resource offers hands-on experience with controlling various factors, such as temperature, lighting, and crude protein, to see the direct impact they have on the growth of chickens.

Using the simulator, students can experiment with different combinations of these factors to optimize the growth curve of their virtual broiler chickens. This allows them to see how changes in the environment can affect the health and efficiency of the chickens, making it an engaging and practical way to learn about poultry science.

As students observe the chickens’ live weight and carcass weight, they will be able to analyze whether their conditions are ideal for their age and make adjustments as needed. This interactive approach to learning encourages critical thinking and problem solving, making it a valuable addition to any classroom.

The Chicken Growth Simulator is a free, easy-to-use teacher resource that provides students with a unique and fun way to learn about poultry science. Get started today and discover the secrets to raising healthy and efficient broiler chickens!