Agricultural Shows Australia


Agricultural Shows Australia (ASA) supports agricultural shows all around Australia to showcase the importance of agriculture through competitions, educational activities and promotion. In addition, ASA runs national competitions and assists youth in agriculture. To that end, a raft of relevant resources is available on the ASA website.

The ASA education, competition and networking platform can be freely accessed on the ASA webpage, .

Show Resources, Online Courses and Educational Resources are available through the Resources tab.

Information pertaining to National Championships, Emerging Leaders and Australian Young Farmer Challenge can be found under the Youth in Agriculture tab.

Teacher and student specific resources can be accessed here:

Teacher Resources: Competition Information for Teachers | ASA – Agricultural Shows Australia (

Student Resources: Competition Information for Teachers | ASA – Agricultural Shows Australia (



Judging for the Future online training courses aim to introduce Young Judges to the importance of animal welfare as they begin their “career” as livestock judges in National, State and Local competitions.

This course would be perfect to students new to the Agriculture Team.