Programs to Enhance Food & Fibre Education

PIEFA engages with Australian schools and the community through education about food and fibre production and careers. Through grant funding and industry partnerships, PIEFA are continually working to develop and share curriculum aligned educational resources that cross the spectrum of Australia’s primary industries.

Each of PIEFA’s partnerships and collaborations are unique, designed to address specific curriculum and industry priorities — and always with student engagement and teacher support as a fixed and fundamental component.

Interested parties are encouraged to get in touch with PIEFA to explore collaboration opportunities.

Luciano Mesiti, CEO | ceo@piefa.edu.au


Primezone Teaching Resources

PIEFA, a not for profit company, operates and manages a web portal called Primezone. Primezone provides teachers, parents and students with an Australian Curriculum driven range of high quality vetted primary industries education resources from Foundation to Year 12.


Primezone Academy Online Courses

As an addition to Primezone, PIEFA’s eLearning portal, Primezone Academy, provides teachers and students with single-point access to a range of primary industries related eLearning courses, which can be completed in the classroom or at home.


Career Harvest Careers in Agriculture

Career Harvest is a one-stop shop for prospective students to discover rewarding careers. Career Harvest, PIEFA’s career portal, provides students with career options, scholarships, opportunities and more.


Farmer Time Virtual Classroom

PIEFA is the Australian partner of the Farmer Time program. Farmer Time was founded in the UK and the program allows students to connect with a farmer, fisher or forester, ask questions, take a virtual tour and experience what a career in food and fibre can look like. For years Foundation-12, PIEFA’s Virtual Classroom/Farmer Time program provides real-world context for food & fibre curriculum.


AgCAREERSTART Gap Year Program

AgCAREERSTART is a 10-12 month paid gap-year program designed to kick-start careers in farming. Participants aged under 25 are matched with a host-farm; work and earn for 10-12 months; receive training and mentoring to complete a VET course; plus enjoy access to industry events. 


Knowing and Growing Teacher PD Training

Knowing Growing is a joint initiative of three leaders in agriculture education – PIEFA, the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW, and the NSW Department of Primary Industries. The aim of the program is to facilitate teaching about our primary industries in schools by providing quality professional development for all teachers. 


Future Farm Safety for Life | Farm Safety Education
PIEFA, with funding from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, has created a ready to use, easy to deliver resource package focusing on farm safety. It specifically targets high school students, looking at ways they can be part of the process and solution to safety issues on farms. 

SFIRP Program

PIEFA’s Storm and Flood Industry Recovery Program is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements through the Department of Regional NSW – Sector Recovery and Resilience Grants. The project, which commenced in 2022, aims to improve community connectivity, linking schools with local primary industries and the many rewarding agricultural careers that are available in flood affected LGAs across NSW. By developing locally focussed teaching resources and careers programs, this project delivers a stronger foundation to develop interest in local careers in the primary industries, building local resilience to improve recovery from flood disasters.


Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Developed through a collaboration between PIEFA and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, the Biosecurity in the Classroom resources will inspire the next generation to learn about biosecurity by teaching students about our role in protecting Australia. Through a series of educational resources, including teacher guides, classroom lessons and activities, primary students in Year 2-5 will explore the roles of biosecurity measures using scenarios to understand how biosecurity helps to protect Australia’s environment and economy. 


Healthy Living Soils

In partnership with Soil Science Australia, Soils for Life and the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program, PIEFA developed a suite of curriculum linked resources for both teachers and students targeting the Year bands of 7-10 and learning areas of Science, Geography, and Design & Technologies. This project included the development of a dedicated website: www.healthylivingsoils.com.au. Students can learn more about valuable and productive Australian soils by accessing the ‘Learn’, ‘Watch’ and ‘Do’ areas. Lessons feature hands-on practical tasks, collaborative activities, research opportunities, video content, case studies and suggested answers to support and engage teachers and students.


Nutrien Ag Solutions

Primary Industries Education Foundation Australia (PIEFA) and agribusiness Nutrien Ag Solutions have partnered to establish a new series of curriculum-aligned educational resources for Australian students from years seven to twelve. PIEFA’s team of expert Education Officers are developing the resources, which will be available for teachers and educators to access for free in 2025 via PIEFA’S Primezone website. The resources will arm the next generation of students with the knowledge of sustainable agricultural practices to drive the industry forward.