Healthy Living Soils | Years 7-10

Access this suite of curriculum linked resources for both teachers and students targeting the Year bands of 7-10 and Learning areas of Science, Geography, and Design & Technologies via a dedicated website. Learn more about our valuable and productive Australian soils by accessing the ‘Learn’, ‘Watch’ and ‘Do’ areas.

Lessons feature hands-on practical tasks, collaborative activities, research opportunities, video content, case studies and suggested answers to support and engage teachers and students.

* Funding for this project was provided by the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.



soil, soils, healthy, organism, health, soil structure, biology, food production, food security, natural resource, environment, biomes, flora, fauna, soils, First Nations, Indigenous, water cycle, carbon, case studies, food web, food chain

Developed by: PIEFA, Soil Science Australia, Soils for Life