A year on a farm (Video and worksheet)

Produced By:



Qld, NSW, SA, NT, ACT, Tas, WA

Aimed at:

Grade k

- 2

Curriculum 8.4


Curriculum 9.0:

AC9TDE2K03, AC9TDE2K04, AC9M1M03, AC9M1ST01, AC9M1ST02, AC9S1U01, AC9S0U01

Lesson Type:



organic, apples, animals, calendar, fruit, farm, diversification, PIEFA resource, worksheets

A year on a farm (Video and worksheet)

This unit encourages students to examine mathematical concepts of time and duration using months, weeks and days of the week by exploring the tasks undertaken on farms. Students explore things that farmers do to care for the animals and crops that are grown, raised and processed for food and fibres.

In this video Michelle McColl from Kalangadoo Organic Orchard in SA talks about organic farming.

Click here to download student worksheet

Video in review: Organic fruit growers, predominantly apples, but also a small mixed farm. Importance of climate for growing, the farm has diversified for economic and agronomical reasons. Calender of events – what happens when. Marketing and value adding with biodiversity the key to an organic farm.

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