Australian Cotton Story

The Australian Cotton Story video (high school version) explores the industry’s environmental responsibility credentials, continuous improvement and innovation, research and development and cotton and the consumer. Contains the following contributors: Dr Stuart Gordon (Cotton Research Unit, CSIRO), John Cameron (Grower, Bongeen, Queensland), Georgie Krieg (Grower, Brookstead, Queensland) and Pia Du Pradal (Fashion designer, Pia Du Pradal fashion label).

This video for high school students about sustainable cotton farming and the cotton industry. This 9 minute video features interviews with growers and people from across the supply chain and beautiful imagery. It meets curriculum outcomes in years 7 and 8 Technologies, Geography and Science; and in years 9 and 10 Technologies and Science.



Australian Cotton, sustainability, environment, family, water, rainfed, crop rotation, flood irrigation, insecticide, research, varieties

Developed by: Cotton Australia